Thursday, July 20, 2006


Have you ever felt as though you have run out of words? That there are a million thoughts in your mind and yet when you sit down to talk them out, you find yourself searching for what to say? That you would love to talk to someone right now but can’t figure out a single sentence that makes sense? That you want to let out a wail of anguish and yet when you open your mouth speech deserts you?

I had read of such states of mind… when one loses his senses… and allows the sands of time to take control… to guide him across what seems like an endless desert of gloom… a desert that is characterized by torturous days and the darkest of dark nights… with no oasis in sight…

And then… the winds of change take charge… is that a smile that just crossed your face?
You wake up jubilant… there is a spring in each stride… suddenly the world expands… there are people you want to meet …there comes to mind an endless tale that you want to narrate… there standing under the sun… you feel blessed… blessed with the gift of life.

Have you ever felt the tension of the opposites, one pulling you towards happiness and the other trying to push you into an abyss of never ending darkness? Have you ever felt the burden of … choosing the ‘path’?

It had been a while since I updated this one. Its not that ‘words had deserted’ me… just that I would write a piece and leave it… the watch would tick away… and I would find myself coming back to start afresh.
Thanks P for making me realize that this is something I do not wish to abandon. I will try and update this one every now and then. So long…